Some functions previously incorrectly used the (moving) index of the track in the table of tracks.

* Fix audio and video track selection: The constant track identifier is now always used. * Fix crash with local statistics disabled * Fix Reveal-in-Finder for files with non-Western file names * Fix Mpeg-2 audio and video encoders initialization * Fix crash in Freetype with embedded fonts VLC media player Free Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - Last Version Home Softwares Video Players VLC media player VLC media player Download 4 ( 1) VLC Media Player holds the honor of being extensively common among the masses, making its user base an extremely broad one. * Fix SWF potential crash on malformed files. * Fix some MKV crashes when ordered editions have empty or broken links * Improve reliability for RTSP streams sent by some IP cameras * Fix buffer overflow in HTML subtitles parser * Fix crash with some embedded subtitle fonts * Fix file output bug affecting floating point on big endian systems exe installation file (vlc-2.1.0-win32.exe or vlc-2.1.0-win64. * Fix playback initial synchronization with PulseAudio (however similar bugs in PulseAudio version 2.0 and later still exist) VLC Media Player is a free media player that lets you play audio and video content on computers, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets.